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2 tree(s) planted in memory of Benny McManus
Thelia Kelly posted a condolence
Thursday, September 14, 2023
I don't know if Ben was a member of 4-H in his youth, but he did serve as Director of 4-H Clubs for schools in Geneva County (Ala.), one of his duties as Agricultural Extension Agent, shortly after graduating from Auburn University. I know that students looked forward to--and benefited from-- visits from "Mr. McManus" because my brother and his friends, mischievous seventh graders, were among his charges.
At meetings, 4-H Club members recite the following: I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, and my Health to better living for my club, my community, and my country.
I believe my brother-in-law Ben McManus chose to live his life in harmony with this pledge.
Thelia Kelly
Adrienne Lewis posted a condolence
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Uncle Ben was such a special and encouraging person. The world has lost a great one. Prayers to everyone.
Adrienne L.
Regina Harper posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Uncle Ben was always such a sweet man…he will be missed. Thinking of you all at this time.
Gina H.
Gina, Sarah, and Meg Harper planted a tree in memory of Benny McManus
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

We are thinking of you during this difficult... Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Patrick Kelly uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Thanksgiving 2002
Standing: Pat Kelly, Britton Kelly, Bob Bryan, Monty Powell, Ben McManus
Sitting: Gina Harper, Kay Bryan, Entice Whigham, Thelia Kelly, Emily Powell, Maxine McManus
Standing front: Sarah Harper
Sitting on ground: Carolyn Kelly, Scarlett (Kelly) Littleton, Britt Kelly, "Gus"
Patrick Kelly posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
"I guess it's not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it's what you leave behind you when you go." - Randy Travis
Uncle Ben, you leave behind a legacy of positive influence to family, friends, colleagues, and students. You will be missed on this Earth, yet we rejoice in you obtaining your Heavenly home.
The Kelly family extends prayers of comfort for Aunt Maxine, Stacy, Amy, Andrew, Wilson, and James.
Pat Kelly and family
David Weeks posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
A great man who made a difference in so many peoples lives
Thoughts and prayers to Maxine
And all the family
Emily Powell posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
I first met Ben when I was about 9 years old. A year or so later, he became my brother-in-law when he married my sister, Maxine. It was about this time that Ben gave me the lifelong nickname "Prissy". Just as I got to really know him, they left for Auburn where he and Maxine attended the University. It seemed in those formative years of mine they were always attending universities whether it was Auburn, the University of Tennessee, or far away Purdue University. It certainly didn't take long for me to understand that getting a good education was important to Ben. I have such great respect for all of his hard work and accomplishments.
What I will always remember about Ben was his positive attitude and how he encouraged all of us to attain our education goals. He and Maxine did a sensational job raising two outstanding daughters and I know Ben was very proud of both of them and just as importantly he has left an outstanding legacy for his grandsons, Wilson and James.
May he rest in peace and I know Maxine and the family will find solace in knowing that his was a life that was truly phenomenal.
The family of Benny Ray McManus uploaded a photo
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Benny McManus
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Benefield Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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