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2 tree(s) planted in memory of Marianna Reeves
Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Marianna Reeves
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Daddy loves you Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Sarah Johnson uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, October 7, 2023

You came into our lives like a beautiful storm full of life, your eyes so bright already taking in your mothers glowing love; as she held your tiny little hand she whispered “ I love you my Beautiful little Storm.” With each passing day her love for you began to grow becoming deeper with each glimpse she takes. she knew within her heart that she too now has a fire deep within her. She does not yet know it but she will be carrying your memory everywhere she goes for you are in her every step, every breath she takes; with each beat her heart takes It will be you who keeps her going .She has everything she needs to become a fierce Storm as well. She has her “Skye, her Rayne, and her tiny little storm” and you three will be the reason she becomes strong, determined, confident, she will not stop or give up. All though she may not feel it just yet she will become unstoppable as a Loving mother, a strong sister and an amazing daughter. She’s no warrior, not a lioness nor a legend. She’s your mother. A mother that others should fear the most if they dare try to pull her down and make her fall. There’s nothing more fierce than your mother she has unconditional love for you and your sisters. Through her love your sisters will know about all the beautiful things in life. Oh how she will carry your love within her it’s a gift that she refuses to ever let go of. GOD called you to be a beautiful angel leaving your mom wondering why. With the fire that you gave her she will carry on telling your sisters about you.. She’ll tell them that you were a beautiful gift from above and that you were meant to stay for only a short while because Heaven was waiting for you to take your place among the tiny angels. So you see my beautiful angel. You will be in our hearts and our souls, in our stories we tell, but for a few of us you are much more than that. For you are our Special gift from GOD. You were the one Storm we all needed to bring us together even though it is a sad day it’s also a new beginning for some of us. This is the day that our love for you will make your family become one. We will be One in our heartache and pain; become One as family for we all share your love. But that’s not all that you were given to us for . Your the Storm that two sisters needed so badly. For they grew apart along time ago but you babygirl are the STORM that has also brought them both together again. Your loss is devastating and it leaves a void in our hearts but there will be a day soon that when your name is spoken everyone will remember that you were the STORM who taught two sisters to love each other again and brought a broken family together. But most importantly YOU are the reason your mommy will soon stand tall and be known as a beautiful raging storm that refuses to give up. You’re her fire, spirit, love! We love you so very much and will see you again. Forever in our hearts and never forgotten for we all carry a piece of you within our own brewing storm.
Cathy Davis lit a candle
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A Memorial Tree was planted for Marianna Reeves
Saturday, September 30, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Benefield Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Families in the East Central Alabama and West Georgia areas have been entrusting Benefield Funeral Home of Wedowee to care for their loved ones since 1972.
Benefield Funeral Home
17624 HWY 431
Wedowee, Alabama 36278
Phone (256) 357-2888
Fax (256) 357-4698
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